Indian Emcees

Indian Emcees
Having events whereby most of your guests are from the Indian Community ? or you would like to have Indian emcees to showcase the Indian culture in order to engage your guests well and entice them to participate all the games organized specially for them. This however will create a fun and memorable night. Take note you have come to the right place where we have a group of professional Indian Emcees with many years of experiences hoisting events with similar requirements are yours.
In Event Lobang, our Indian emcees are graduate from popular tertiary institution and had since undertaken many projects and exposed themselves as an English Emcees too. Over the years , they have also taken up assignment as Indian Emcees for mega events like yours. In these events, they have worked very closely with the organizers for the Indian Community and understand why Emcee of their race are preferred over the other races emcee. The key is – they know the indian culture well. With this, they put the Indian culture and the industry practices and qualities for being a professional together to host the events. This however creates a nostalgic and unforgettable event which have impressed the organizers. Hence the organizers would come back to request for them again and again. Their persistence requests allows them to accumulate the experiences and gain popularity in the Indian Community.
Please call us at [ci show=”phone”] to discuss further or drop us an email in the form below to have an in-depth discussion to allow us to give you a proposal for your decision making.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Question : What do we expect after we give you our confirmation ? Preparation of work
Once we have obtained your confirmation for our services, our Indian emcee will have to understand the theme of the events, the agenda and meets all the relevant person-in-charge to understand their roles and responsibilities for the event to ensure that everyone and the sequence of activities are carried out smoothly and according to plan.
- Question : Who is responsible to write the script for the event ?
Once the organizers have approved the activities for the night, the Indian emcee will have work closely with the organizers or client to understand their objectives for the events so that he could draft the scripts with the keywords and phrase required for promoting the events. Our Indian emcee will incorporate as much Indian Culture arouse your guests.
- Question : Who wil take care of the equipment and clothing for the event?
Event Lobang could provide all the equipment as per required in the event. Should you need additional equipment, we will have to work with the responsible personnel to bring them together. Also, the organizer will have to advise their expectations on the attire for the emcees as there could be some sensitivity issues where the emcee must be well-dressed and well-shaved. If special request on the attire is required, the organizer may have to provide and advise us.
- Question : What are the Do and Don’t that we observe ?
Event Lobang will provide a checklist for the organizer to review and list the DO and Don’t that everyone including the emcees and other personnel involved to observe in the events to prevent unpleasant and chaotic events to happen. We believe that there are many observations that we would need to consider for all races especially in our multi-racial society and we have emphases very much in racial harmony.
- Question : What are the charges engaging your team ?
The cost for providing the services is very much dependent on the duration of the events and the experiences of the requested emcee. We will break down the cost on our services and will only proceed upon your approval.
- Question : How many months in advance do we have to give you ?
We would suggest if you could give me weeks of advance notices to book our emcees as they are also involved in both local and international mega events.