Chinese Emcees

Chinese Emcees
Planning for Chinese traditional events which require Chinese Emcees who could bring out the sophistication and the quality of the Chinese standards. Your guests and audiences are pioneer generation coming from the Chinese community . You are putting great emphasis on the standard of Chinese language for these events. Having headaches to find a good emcee. Come to Event Lobang , we have good Chinese Emcees to address your needs and assure you with great success for your events.
The Group of Chinese emcees in Event Lobang, are qualified and having the required experiences to host your events . They will ensure that your messages are clearly communicated in the expected standard of Chinese to your guests so that your guests will feel engaged and entertained to the right level . This however will enable your guests to appreciate and enjoy the event which would in return bring success to your events and finally bring results to your company.
At your request , we would work with the local and overseas celebrities required to host your Chinese events.
Please call us at [ci show=”phone”] to discuss further or drop us an email in the form below.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Question : What would we expect after our discussion?
Our coordinator will have a discussion with you to understand the theme of the event .He will brainstorm with different members of the choreographing team to outline their ideas and draft the proposal.
- Question : When should we make a booking with you?
We would prefer if you could confirm months ahead to enable us to ample times for creative design in order to make your events a unique and memorable event. Besides , we will have to source all the necessities required for your events.
- Question : What would we expect after we accept your proposal?
All the personnel responsible for different areas, will meet together to discuss about the theme and your requirements. Once we have finalised the details, we will update the details with cost and await for your approval. After which, we will start to sourcing for the events.
- Question : Do you provide any dancing training ?
We will provide you with a schedule for your guests to come to our premise or your proposed venue to learn the steps. Should you require us to get the cheers team, we are utmost happy to assist you to put everything as a whole for you.
- Question : How much do you charge ?
Upon acceptance with your booking , we would expect you to pay 25% of the total cost. You will pay us the next 50% when we deliver you the detailed proposal. A month before the event, we would like you to pay the next 25%.