Ballet Dance Choreographers

Do you need a ballet dance choreographer for your special event? You have a group of ballet dance lovers and would like to fulfill the dreams of your guests. You are wondering where you can get a group of professional ballet dance choreographers.
Event Lobang Singapore understands the needs to cater for all types of dances required for all events. We have specially selected a team of qualified and well-trained ballet dance choreographers from well-known ballet schools to join us to conduct training and design dances for our guests.
Please call us at [ci show=”phone”] to discuss further or drop us an email in the form below.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Question : What would we expect after our discussion?
Our coordinator will gather all the details of your events and provide a proposal to you.
- Question : When should we make a booking with you?
It will be great if you could book with us months ahead so that our choreographer is given with ample time to design unique hip-hop dancing styles, source all the necessities required for your events.
- Question ; What would we expect after we accept your proposal?
All the personnel responsible for different areas, will meet together to discuss about the theme and your requirements. Once we have finalised the details, we will update the details with cost and await for your approval. After which, we will start to sourcing for the events.
- Question : Upon confirmation, how should we proceed from here?
We will provide you with a schedule for your guests to come to our premise or your proposed venue to learn the steps.
- Question : What’s the payment schedule once we confirmed your service?
Upon acceptance with your booking , we would expect you to pay 25% of the total cost.
You will pay us the next 50% when we deliver you the detailed proposal.
A month before the event, we would like you to pay the next 25%.